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Rehype plugin to generate Penrose diagrams in place of code fences. Example:

Use two fingers to pan and zoom


Terminal window
npm i @beoe/rehype-penrose


import rehypeD2 from "@beoe/rehype-penrose";
const html = await unified()
.use(rehypeD2, {
shared: "shared",
/* options */

Check out other options.


You probaly want to use file strategy.


export type PenroseOptions = {
* path to shared folder for `.domain` and `.style` files
shared: string;
* Width of diagram
width?: number;
* Height of diagram
height?: number;
* Name (or path) for `.style` file
style?: string;
* Name (or path) for `.domain` file
domain?: string;
variation?: string;
namespace?: string;

You can set it globally:

use(rehypePenrose, {
width: 400,
height: 400,

Or locally:

```penrose width=400 height=400